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Human Chorionic Gonadotropin or hCG or HCG is a [powerful polypeptide hormone found in pregnant women. The HCG hormone was first discovered in the 1920’s and sold as an extract by the pharmaceutical giant Organon under the Pregynl name. There were numerous reported benefits of administering HCG to a host of varying patients, and while some were indeed beneficial others would prove to be quite ridiculous. HCG was initially used to treat the following:

  • Froehlich’s Syndrome
  • Cryptochidism
  • Obesity
  • Depression
  • Female Infertility
  • Uterine Bleeding
  • Amenorrhea

By the 1960’s HCG extract was no longer used as a science had developed the means of filtering and purifying the urine of pregnant women to obtain a cleaner more sanitary HCG hormone. It is still used in a therapeutic setting, most commonly for:

  • Cryptochidism
  • Female Infertility
  • Hypogonadism (Low Testosterone)
  • Weight Loss

HCG is also regularly used by many anabolic steroid users as a secondary item along side anabolic steroid use or after use has been discontinued. During anabolic steroid use, the idea behind supplementation is to combat hormonal suppression that occurs due to steroid use. Use after anabolic steroid use is implemented in order to enhance or produce a more efficient recovery. Both points of use are, however, highly debated among numerous steroid users.

HCG Functions & Traits:
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is a polypeptide hormone found in pregnant women during the early stages of pregnancy. The hormone is created in the placenta and is largely responsible for the continued production of progesterone, which itself is an essential hormone to pregnancy. The HCG hormone is also the standard measuring tool in pregnancy test. Once conception occurs, HCG levels begin to increase and can be detected by a standard home pregnancy test. The hormone will then peak approximately 8-12 weeks into pregnancy and then gradually decrease until birth. When examining the functions and traits of HCG the only one of notable worth in both therapeutic or performance settings is in its ability to mimic the Luteinizing Hormone (LH). While perhaps slightly simplistic, HCG is exogenous LH, the primary gonadotropin along with Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH). This is beneficial to the female patient as such gonadotropins stimulate conception; LH is also the primary gonadotropin responsible for the stimulation of natural testosterone production. This is the precise reason some anabolic steroid users will use it and the primary reason it is used in many low testosterone treatment plans. When LH is released, it signals to the testicles to produce more testosterone, which is more than beneficial if natural LH production is low. HCG, while we can call it exogenous LH is not LH but rather mimics the hormone. This makes it beneficial to the steroid user post cycle as it will prime the body for the total Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) to come, which will normally include Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERM’s). While its functions do not change despite the purpose of use, as we look at the effects of HCG we will find use needs to be regulated heavily.

HCG 5.000iu

SKU: o37
25,00$ Regular Price
17,50$Sale Price

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